Praised be Jesus Christ. Now and Forever!
Dear Friends of the Eternal Life Apostolate,
I pray you are well as we continue to pray for the passing of the worldwide pandemic. Our prayers are with those who are sick and those caring for them in these days. And, of course, we have been remembering the faithful departed whom we lost as a result of the Virus.
As you know, we had to cancel The Church Teaches Forum for 2020. We missed seeing all of you at our annual gathering. As we were uncertain as to the situation for 2021, we did not plan The Church Teaches Forum for July of this year.
We had hoped to be able to offer The Church Teaches Forum 2021 this coming September. Unfortunately, however, we are unable to do so. So, we must cancel The Church Teaches Forum for 2021. We will miss seeing you. Let us pray that perhaps next year, 2022, we will be able to gather again for a Forum.
As you know, The Church Teaches Forum is an excellent opportunity for us to pray together, learn together and encourage each other in the practice of the Holy Faith of the Catholic Church. I pray that you will continue your personal and family prayer and study encouraging each other in the Faith. We have excellent resources for you at Eternal Life and I hope you will take advantage of them during the year. Perhaps you will gather with family and friends for your own local “Forum” studying and discussing what the Church teaches. Enjoy your times together!
May our Lady, Star of the New Evangelization, keep you in her care. May St. Joseph, the Guardian of the Redeemer, intercede for you. Be sure of my prayers along with those of the Board Members and Spiritual Advisors of the Eternal Life Apostolate.
In the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Father Arnsparger